Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Where's Bunny?

The kids and I were talking recently about the fact that Bunny hasn't been receiving the same kind of attention from our family that Flat Stanley friends have recently. So we decided to do something about that.

Today is the official start of the "Where's Bunny" contest. Here's how it works.

We have taken photos of Bunny around southern Maine. In the coming weeks, I will post one every few days or so to my blog.

The first person to POST A COMMENT (it doesn't count if you email me) about WHERE Bunny is in the photo, wins a "really cool glitter pen" from MaineToday.com (a direct quote from L.). Anyone can win the MaineToday pen (well, except my co-workers who have an unfair advantage :-) so if you know where Bunny is, post it.

Here's today's pic...
(You have to name the place as well as the city/town).


Oh yeah, if no one posts a guess after a day or so, I'll post a hint in the comments.

Today I'll give you the hint now, half the name's in the pic!

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