Friday, February 3, 2006

Happy chickens

This snow-less Maine winter has really put a damper on skiing and boarding, but our chickens are loving it. In fact, we've never had so many eggs from our feathered friends. This picture represents about one week of egg production for the Almeida poultry.

But it's not just the quantity that's the problem; it's the size. The supersize eggs don't fit in extra large egg cartons and that presents some problems when trying to box them up to give to people.

And a person can only eat so many omelets, quiches, bread pudding, hard boiled and deviled eggs.

I'm not sure what Fino and the kids are doing to make the chickens so happy, but boy are they ever!

A basket of eggs anyone? Or if you're too far away... do you have any interesting egg recipes to share?

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