Monday, June 10, 2013

Hiking: Moose, bear, mosquitoes, oh my!

We decided to hike The Roost in Evan's Notch on the Maine side of the White Mountains National Forest. While driving to the Notch we spotted a moose crossing the Saco River. This was the cause of much excitement for all in our car. Shannon, driving her car on this adventure, pulled over to the side of the road and we all jumped out and ran to the river. The moose had already lumbered across the river by the time we got to the shore so G. was only able to get a far-away photo of the moose. But still, we were jazzed we spotted her on the bridge and it was a testament to our excitement when we returned to the road and the car was still running.

 (You can barely see moose but she's there between the trees.)

As we were driving through Evan's Notch we watched a black bear run across the road about 30 feet in front of us. We all paused for a moment - pretty much in shock - because none of us had every seen a black bear in the wild. Of course I thought the moose would be the highlight and did not have my camera handy for a photo of the bear. You'll just have to take my word for this particular sighting.

As I have talked about in previous posts and print columns, we rarely see any interesting creatures because we talk and laugh and generally create a ruckus in the woods that would scare off even the most bold of creatures. So this is why it was such a remarkable day for us.

We do tend to find a lot of signs of wildlife while hiking. This trip was no different. We found many piles of moose droppings. At the top of The Roost we had a bit of fun pretending to golf with a walking stick.

It was a fun day on the trail.

There was one thing that we encountered that we really could have done without – mosquitoes.

And we forgot something in our packs that I am embarrassed to even admit.

Bug spray!

This photo sort of sums up our experience on the trail.

But that shouldn't reflect badly on our final destination. It was a fairly easy hike to a really nice view of the notch.

The Roost In Evan's Notch

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kid Tracks column: Learning, with plenty of enjoyment

Learning about the outdoors is a work in progress for my family despite the fact we are outside all the time and I've been writing this column for 10 years. But when I'm asked how I learned about trees, birds, the night sky and a whole host of other useful (and maybe not so useful but fascinating) tidbits about the outdoors, I think back to my family's early adventures. When my kids were younger I spent a fair amount of time looking for family-oriented classes. Not classes where I dropped my kids off. No, I'm talking about classes where adults and kids could learn together.

These type of classes are more common than they used to be and I am happy to see this trend has taken off in southern Maine in a variety of venues.

Below is only a short sampling of options based on my family's first-hand experience (both recent and during my kids' younger years).

My children's first introduction to tree identification was a ranger program at Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park. We went on a tree "scavenger hunt" (now called the "Tree Hunt") with a worksheet and pencil. We returned a short while later with an almost-blank worksheet and spent time chatting up a patient ranger who gave us tips on how to look at trees to figure out what kind they were (it's not just about leaves; bark matters too). We still have that hand-out, now nearly 8 years old, in our family scrapbook.

I contacted Andy Hutchinson, park manager at Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park, about ranger programs this summer. These programs are offered every Saturday and Sunday until June 15; on June 16 the ranger programs are offered daily through July and August at 2 p.m.
Hutchinson said one of the highlights is the "Osprey Watch" scheduled every Tuesday and once every weekend in July and August.

"In July the babies in the nest should be learning to fly and fish. In late August or early September, the baby ospreys should be self-sufficient and ready to migrate to South America on their own, after the parents have already left for South America themselves."

I have taken my kids to planetarium shows since they were preschoolers and they have always loved the experience. Despite having seen some of the shows in the dome multiple times, we still seem to learn something new we missed. But mostly my family likes the mythology and other storytelling orientated programs offered there now that they're older.

There are also some changes in store for the Southworth Planetarium this summer. They have given the "Rusty Rocket's Last Blast!" show a makeover. The new computer-animated omni-dome program, which will debut July 15, will offer even veteran planetarium-goers a chance to see and learn about the solar system in a new and entertaining way. Show admission prices for shows range from $5 to $6.50/per person, depending on matinee or evening showtimes.

The planetarium is also teaming up with Portland Trails to offer star watching walks along some of the trails this summer. Check for more information.

There is a fun, easy trail system that leads to the beach that we have always enjoyed, particularly in the spring before it actually warms enough to swim (although that doesn't stop my youngest from rolling up her pants and giving her feet a cold water dip). There are also a wide variety of special programs, guided tours and general nature walks that are open to all ages. Some programs have a small fee while others -- like the ones I list below -- are free with the cost of admission ($1/kids; $4/adults).

We attended a bird banding program once and the girls were fascinated with the concept of how that kind of research is conducted.

Suzanne Kahn Eder, education director at Wells Reserve, said a popular family-oriented program at the reserve is the "Life Between the Tides Walk." Families explore the "biodiversity of the intertidal zone at Laudholm Beach." The docent-led walk looks for crabs, sea stars and snails with about a mile of walking. There is another program, "Secrets of the Salt Marsh," that explores the estuary and also focuses learning on marsh habitat.

One of the special programs in July, "Flying Jewels," will explore the wonders of dragonflies and butterflies. The Reserve's natural resource specialist will explain the role the different habitats of the Wells Reserve play in the life cycles of these creature. Nets will also be available to see if participants can catch one for a close look at the fascinating insects. This program will be held July 24 at 1 p.m.
Families can also get a hands-on experience helping native species with the "Monarch Rescue." This citizen science program allows families to join a team of monarch rescuers to find and move monarch eggs and caterpillars to "safe" fields that aren't mowed in the summer. It's Aug. 14 at 9 a.m.

There are a variety of family-friendly programs at Maine Audubon centers around the state. A program that has been a highlight for my family has been the "Bird Walk" program at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth. The Thursday morning walks are all about the early bird catching the worm since this program starts at 7 a.m. But as my kids and I can confirm, it was worth the early morning wake-up call. We have learned so much about birds, not only from the Audubon guide leading the walk, but also with the other participants. It's a program geared for novices to expert birders. The times we've attended have been a great opportunity to chat with other birding enthusiasts in a way that has been low key and educational for all ages. The cost of this program is $5/members; $8/nonmembers.

FOR MORE information about family-oriented outdoor programs in southern Maine, try these resources:
Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park, Freeport
Southworth Planetarium at USM, Portland
Wells Reserve at Laudholm, Wells
Maine Audubon

Bring a pair of binoculars when you visit Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park in Freeport. 
The kids will love getting a close look at the osprey nest.  

Wendy Almeida can be contacted at:
Twitter & Instagram: wea1021

Originally published in the Maine Sunday Telegram June 9, 2013.