Monday, January 15, 2007

YouTube-ing and the Pirates

At the last minute L. and I decided to go to the Pirates game on Saturday night. is helping out with the "Pirate for a Day" contest and we wanted a sneak peak preview on the video entries being made before the game. 

    SUBWAY Restaurants "Pirate for a Day" Contest: Only 50 fans will have a chance to record their "Why I should be a Pirate for a Day?" video entry at the game. Save your SUBWAY cash register receipts; the more you have, the closer to the front of the line you move! You’ll have :15 to catch the eyes of the judges, other Pirates fans! Costumes, jerseys and other props are acceptable! Must be 18 to qualify.

Some entries were pretty straight-forward (person stands and talks about reasons why they want to win) while others did a lot of jumping around and screaming. The online voting (MaineToday's piece of the project) should be a lot of fun and I'll let you know when that is ready to launch (a couple of weeks mostly likely).

"Pirate for a Day" contest

Even though the team lost the game in a shootout, it was pretty intense during the last minute of regulation play when the team huddled-up for a time out and then within 30 seconds scored the goal that forced the game into over-time. And as luck would have it (it was shear luck) - I managed to catch that goal on video.

Goal during last minute of play

Check out's YouTube Channel for other video clips.

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