Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New meaning to 'dressing the bird'

After a rousing wake-up call yesterday morning (and I thought the crowing through the baby monitor was bad!) from our early bird camped out in the hallway (a.k.a. the rooster, his name is actually Flipper), he is back outside with his buddies.

But not before the girls and Fino decided to make him a fleece jacket to keep him warm.

The girls found a worthy use for that left-over Halloween fleece. Good thing there are no cats on it...

The jacket seemed to keep him toasty but then it was decided (by Fino) that it might not keep him that much warmer. Apparently chickens stay warm by fluffing out their feathers and he can't very well do that with a jacket on so it sort of defeats its purpose.

The spiffy jacket has been put away for now but might make a reappearance if the girls think the Flipper needs it again.

They certainly are putting their sewing skills to good use these days for all of their animal friends.

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