Saturday, January 6, 2007

Cache maintenance

Over the past couple of weeks we haven't had much time to really get out and hike and geocache so we've been doing some maintenance on our own caches.

A couple of our hybrids (geocaches that have letterbox stamps) don't really have room for the traditional geocache trading items and travel bugs/coins but some people have left in those in our caches recently. 

Actually it was OK that not everyone follows directions (there's a note on each of our hybrids not to leave traditional trades in them) because we picked up our first geocoins.

Basically the coins are like Travel Bugs only they are specially made - like signature items. The girls thought the two we picked up were really cool. 

The kids thought we should post our 'found' message in this coin's native language. I gave it a try and also included an English translation in case I made any big mistakes with my limited knowledge of French.

Another day L. and I hiked out to our Lowell Preserve cache in Windham while G. was at a class.

L. was quite pleased with trades in the cache and wondered if someone knew we were Pirates' fans and left the hockey stick pen for us. I think if they read this blog it'd be hard not to know that...

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