Monday, January 15, 2007

Lots 'o sewing & My MaineToday

The kids have been busy sewing with 4-H this month. Last week they attended a county-wide 4-H sewing workshop and made tote bags. I was at the office while they were at the class with their dad but when they came home they explained how they made the box-like bottom for their bags. They were quite pleased with their sewing skills after the class and really liked the idea that they could teach me something new.

G. and Fino took photos at the class for Seen Team.

Then yesterday the kids' 4-H club spent their meeting time sewing cat mats for the Animal Refuge League and this morning L. wrote a story about how she did it.

L.'s story: Making 'Cat Mats' with my 4H club

And did you know that ANYONE in Maine can submit stories and photos of things going on in your community too? Here's how you - and your kids - can do it: is a new initiative by designed to allow anyone to report the news in their community. Post a photo: You can create a photo gallery if you have a bunch of photos to share or a single photo. It is up to you. The site accepts standard JPEG images, just like those from nearly every digital camera or camera-equipped cell phone. You don't have to write a story to go with your photo(s) but a brief title and basic description helps others understand and appreciate them even more. Post a story: Stories can be just about anything and you can add up to three photos to your stories - or upload a gallery of photos separately. It's an anything goes type of thing. And adults don't  have to be the only contributors - kids can do this too. To get started, go to and look for the green-shaded box at the top of the page titled: "Get Started Now." The site will guide you through the upload process (it's only 1-3 steps depending on if you're uploading a story or photo; it's really quick). And the best part is that your stories and photos become "live" on the site as soon as you're done. Share the great things going on in your community with others. It's easy!

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