Saturday, January 27, 2007

Grandpa's no luck

The Pirates lost again last night and L. declared when we got home that Grandpa didn't offer any good luck to the team. She is working on coming up with "new good luck" which should prove to be interesting.

But L. still had plenty of enthusiasm for the Pirates and their give-away promotions at the game last night. And when she met up with her good friend A. - an equally big Pirates fan - they really got into jumping and arm-waving during the game  (being inside all day can do that to a kid).

This short video clip (yeah, there was more as A.'s dad can attest to sitting with the two girls) sort of says it all.

We also took some Seen Team pictures at the game and a video clip of Eric Weinrich, a former Pirates assistant coach and now player for the team, as well.
Seen Team at the game

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