Saturday, January 2, 2010

A day for xc skiing fun, at home

We've been home for the second day in a row to avoid the snow-covered, and slippery, roads. The snow is still going strong and after a "movie marathon" yesterday and the kids uninterested in doing anything more indoors (they are movie- and crafted-out), we decided it was time for a cross country skiing adventure in the wooded lands behind our house.

The girls rigged up their new snow tubes on rope backpacks and we took to the woods to do some skiing, and some tubing.

It turned out that the little hill we like to ski down behind our house was not quite steep enough to get any momentum for the tube to slide down.

We improvised with a tow and L. enjoyed the ride while G. caught some video and pictures.

A neighbor was out on his snow machine to make some trails for the local snowmobile club and the skiing through the wooded trails was great. The skiing was easy, fun and very picturesque. It does not go unappreciated that we can simply walk out our front door and have a great skiing adventure.

After some time on the narrow trails and hearing some snow machines in the not-so-far distance, we decided to loop back to our house via our regular road since it hadn't been plowed recently and there was plenty of snow to ski on. It's always amusing to us to ski on the road (especially when we don't have to drive on it that day) and some of the dog walkers and kids playing outside seemed to share that sentiment.

"Today is definitely a day to be out on those (skis)," a smiling neighbor commented to us as we skied by.

Yup, and there's more to come with this snow "event" so we'll likely have another close-to-home adventure tomorrow as well. Since we don't have any other commitments to be anywhere else, after today's adventure no one is complaining about a repeat of the same for tomorrow.

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