Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dreaming, of pigs

L. is pig-crazy, as in the real livestock animals like the ones she raised last year. My worries that she would be crushed at selling her pigs (for food) last year, were unfounded. She is now eagerly anticipating buying two new piglets this spring and is always on the lookout - no matter where she is - of something pig-related.

It was a challenging task to track down some pig fabric for her for Christmas. She made it clear she wanted realistic looking pigs on the fabric she requested. None of that "fat, unhealthy pig" type stuff I was told after looking at the limited selection of fabric related to farm animals at JoAnn Fabrics.

With the help of some quilters on eBay, I was able to find something that fit L.'s specifications to make her a water bottle cover for Christmas. I purchased enough to have fabric left-over for her to make some other pig-related sewing projects on her own (she's still trying to decide what to make with the remaining fabric).

The highlight for L.'s Christmas was not this pig fabric though, it was a pair of slippers from grandpa. They are, without a doubt, her crowing (pig) glory and worn at every possible moment indoors.

After Christmas L. discovered a website with step-by-step instructions to make a variety of origami ( is a great kid-friendly website).

Within a couple of hours though, she was on a quest to find a pattern this website did not have, much to her chagrin.

Life was not complete without a few pigs in her origami collection.

After a quick Facebook post, Julie came through for her with link suggestions to make a couple of different types of origami pigs. She now has a whole herd of them.

Then there is L.'s email signature (she's quite smitten with email and her signature), which always includes two icons to represent both of her pigs from last year.

But L. doesn't just settle for crafty pig stuff. Nope, she wants to share her pig love with everyone on the cross country ski trail as well.

And her regular reminders to me that I'm slow on the trail (when doing a trail review I often have to stop to snap a few photos and she gets impatient with that sometimes) includes a drawing as well.

Some girls are horse- or cat-crazy and although L. likes both, her heart is unquestionably in the pig corner right now.

Oink, oink.

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