Friday, May 29, 2009

Sizing up the pigs, yeah right

We picked up a pig-specific measuring tape at the feed store because L. was curious about how much her pigs weighed (measurements are how you guesstimate livestock weight). They seem to be getting a lot bigger lately both in weight and length.

The measuring tape directions said she had to measure from head to tail on the pig's back and then take another measurement around their belly at their arms.

This was of course, much easier said than done.

L. chased the pigs around the pen for at least 10 minutes trying to get a measurement. The pen isn't even that big but they were scooting around her, running in and out of their shelter and basically running circles around (and around) her. Even the grain food bribes weren't enough at that time for her to get even an iota of cooperation from her piggy friends.

She did eventually get the measurements she needed with my help (sans the camera, although that would have been very amusing footage) and some bread treats (grain just wasn't going to do the trick) to determine that Pulchra is now approx. 90 pounds and Titus is about 85 pounds.

L. really has been taking good care of her piggies but she is starting to realize how much she's going to have her hands full as they continue to grow. Because not only are the pigs fast on their feet, they're great strategists for games of tag (aka "measure the pig"). All I can say on this subject is that I'm darn glad we've got the electric fence because the prospect of these guys getting out of their pen and running around the yard is daunting.

Pigs are way more agile than I would have ever given them credit for. Lazy pigs my you-know-what. These guys know how to move!

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