Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blind cat, baby chick have snuggle time

The girls are chick-sitting for the next couple of weeks and it turns out that Toddy our blind cat has become a daddy, or so one of the baby chicks thinks after she snuggled in to Toddy's fur for a snooze yesterday.

I'll let L. tell this story (she just posted her own blog entry on and I'm re-posting it below) since I'm snagging the photos she and G. took of this darn cute interaction.

Some days it feels like we have entirely too many animals at our house but then there are other times when one of our little animal friends does something so sweet (and/or funny) that I'm glad we've got them all in our lives.


Yesterday me and my dad went to pick up some chicks to take care of because my dad's friend was going on vacation to Peru so she asked us to watch over her baby chicks.

When me and dad got home G. picked up a brown little chick (I don't know what the breed of the chick is though) and put the chick in her room because she was a very very calm chick. G. let Toddy sniff the baby chick a bit and he did not seem to mind her. Then the chick left G.'s hands and buried herself in Toddy's warm fur and went to sleep under Toddy's chest. Then Toddy fell asleep too.

They became very good snuggle friends fast!

I also let another baby chick sit on my lap watching TV for a while. She was very calm and snuggled with me too.

Here are some cute pictures we took of Toddy and the baby chick.

posted by L.


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