Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring trip to ocean at Wells Reserve

Wednesday afternoon was a perfect 50 degree spring day in Maine and we dropped everything else in our schedule to enjoy it at Wells Reserve.

Our Flat Stanley, who is soon to be off on a new adventure (with the fairy girls), came along for the fun too.

We brought along some bubbles and the wind was just right to do all the work of sending the bubbles flying around the beach.

L. was being her spunky self by trying to aim the bubbles for my face (and camera) because she thought it was "hilarious!" There was much belly laughing about the bubbles and confirmed that it is still a much enjoyed activity for middle schoolers.

I think the video below sums up the different approach each of my girls takes to life. I love and appreciate both of their ways because they offer a balance and positive influence on each other. And I am grateful that G. has found ways to manage her feelings about the ocean beach (her toddler and preschool years are the reason I became well-versed in Sensory Integration issues and if you're facing the same issues you can see from this video how it translates to the middle school years).

L. wanted a partner to wade in to the waves with her so I joined her for a little bit (I also needed to make sure she didn't dive in to the fast moving current because I would not have put it past her). Well, I waded as much as my toes could handle before they turned various shades of red and blue.

L., who lasted in that water a lot longer than me, warmed up her feet and hands afterward with the sand. She even came up with a shoe style in the process - "Chuck" sand shoes.

The only incentive to leave the beach (even after a couple of hours) was the promise of a stop at The Maine Diner. The girls love that place and a trip to Wells Reserve doesn't feel "complete" to the girls without a pit stop for some chowder.

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