Saturday, March 7, 2009

Admiring costumes at Synchro Nationals

The girls have enjoyed the costumes at the Synchronized Skating Nationals. I've admired them too but the mom part of me can't help but dwell a bit on how much money was dished out to pay for them (even my girls were in sticker shock at the prices).

Here's a taste of the many beautiful costumes we've seen.

When G. was little she only wore skirts and dresses that passed the "spin test" (i.e., she would spin and the skirt had to really flare out to be chosen). Her affinity for the spin-factor is still alive and well, now more so in her photography than in actual practice.

And in case you are wondering if these are umbrellas, they are. The team's music was "Singing in the Rain" and they won gold for their division. It was a great number and G. commented several times how well she thought the costumes matched the music. She loved the whole package.

It's the final day of competition and the girls have some stuff going on this afternoon but they're insisting we find a bit of time to go today. G.'s still got a little bit more space on the camera memory card for photos (she responsible for all the above photos and more that I haven't sifted through yet) and she's told me she still wants to take more (she's turned the experience in to a sports action photography project for herself).
Not sure I'm going to Twitter today but after some feedback I've received, maybe I'll drop a few text messages while I'm there. (You can see my tweets here.)

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