Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chocolate fudge recipe with tasty results

G. has been cooking up a storm the last few months. She was stuck on desserts (cakes, brownies and other sweets galore) before I encouraged her to do a bit more cooking and a little less baking.

I have no willpower when warm cake with dripping homemade frosting is on the counter. Or those chewy brownies with M&Ms she makes that offer the perfect chocolate fix. Oh and then there are the melt-in-your mouth muffins for breakfast (lunch and dinner).

It has all been too much for me to resist so I had to move her on to something else.

Now she's developing a repertoire of pasta dishes, oven omelets and pot roast in the slow cooker. I'm thankful for her interest in feeding the family more nutritiously (and I am very appreciative since she is saving me tons of time by preparing dinner!)

But G. picked up a fudge recipe from a 4-H workshop (part of that Mini-Forum 4-H conference that has provided so much after-event entertainment for L. lately with duct tape and fairy flowers) that is really tasty.

G. made fudge this morning and she suggested I share the recipe with the moms on Raising Maine (which was likely also a suggestion that she get some time in the spotlight on Kid Tracks like her sister has lately).

So to honor that request, here is the Chocolate Fudge recipe that is super easy and has good results (G. is 12 and makes this on her own without any adult supervision).

Melt in saucepan:

6 Tablespoons butter
4 Tablespoons milk

Add to melted mixture all at once:
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup powdered cocoa
1, 1 pound box/bag confectioners sugar

Stir until well blended.
Spread in buttered 8x8 pan. Let cool. Cut in to squares.

Recipe provided by Cumberland County's Extension Office, 4-H Mini-Forum's Fudge Making workshop

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