Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Remember pets names? Yes. People? Not so much

G., my 12-year-old is a serious animal-lover. Not the love them and let someone else do the dirty work type either.

She's out there working on the coldest of early winter mornings helping to feed, muck out stalls and halter train Sparkles and another cow (his name is Handsome Guy and he's a bit less feisty than Sparkles). Very rarely does she ever complain about the cold. She's just happy to be out there with the animals.

This winter the temperatures have plummeted to double digits below zero during her days at the farm (she's there once a week). Her hair, which was not wet in the least, actually froze more than once. But this has not stopped her from wanting to be out there with the cows.

It was about 15 below zero when this photo was taken and G. had been out with the cows for about an hour.

Since G. was a preschooler she has loved trick-or-treating. Yes, she likes the candy but that's not really the reason she likes going door-to-door on Halloween. She considers this a time to catch up with all of her furry friends in the neighborhood, of which she knows the name of every single one of them.

The human neighbor's names? Not so much.

And because of this, I should not have been surprised last Saturday that G. recognized a couple of huskies at the Girl Scout dog sledding event at Pondicherry.

"Hey, there's Juno mom! She was one of the lead dogs when I went on my ride at the Musher's Bowl."

I was skeptical for a nanosecond before I realized this was G. If she said that dog was Juno I was inclined to believe her.

Then the dog sled team leader introduced her dogs to the very large group of Girl Scouts in attendance. And wouldn't you know, that really was Juno.

Definitely one of those small world moments. And a time to confirm that G. who may have some learning challenges, rarely gets a name wrong.

At least when it comes to her friends of the 4-legged variety.

G. picked out Juno from all the other huskies on the dog sled team.

This is not Juno as she was busy leading the sled team on the track around Pondicherry. I believe this is Madison (although G.'s not here right now to confirm this so I could be wrong).

L. got a short ride on the dog sled. G. was not as assertive in keeping her place in line and there were so many girls at this event, G. never did get on a sled. But she was content to visit with the dogs for a while.

BTW, G. still solicits L.'s help to debate the get-a-dog issue at our house but L.'s heart isn't in to it and therefore mom is still prevailing on this front. And G. does seem content with her cats, cows, chickens and visiting her dog friends at other's houses. For now at least.

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