Sunday, February 8, 2009

Creating artwork is all about the details

L. has always liked to draw and has had a knack for adding details that are interesting - and often amusing. She tends to have a unique perspective on things and that comes through in her art work. L. had just turned 4-years-old the first time she felt eyelashes were an important feature for every female face she drew.

I need to take a moment to comment that I actually remembered to write on the back of this drawing. It's titled, "Singing in the Rain." I didn't remember to write the artist's thoughts on every drawing but I highly recommend it if you've got little ones. You will definitely NOT remember what these drawings were supposed to be in a few years (and you will really wish you had made the notation)!

No drawing made during her preschool years were without eyelashes.

No notation made on this drawing but I'm thinking the things sticking out of the mouths are teeth. At 11 years old, she still has a passion for drawing and has refined her subject's eyelashes to be more in proportion, most of the time. (I qualify this because L. has particularly long eye lashes so she often still makes comments that they should be more clear in her drawings.)

But she has branched out with this eyelash thing beyond drawings. Today she made a snowman with a friend and I couldn't help but laugh. This is a quintessential L. creation.

The sticks were "just right for my snowman." L. spent quite a bit of time giggling as she yelled to me to LOOK after she added the eyelash detail.

Sometimes art (and humor) is appreciated more with the addition of the smallest of details.

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