Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A dulce Valentine gesture

Grandma sent some Valentine's candy to the girls and it took them a few minutes to see that this box of candy was different from the kind she usually sends.

The girls have given their cats Spanish names throughout the years (they have a Spanish heritage with Fino's side of the family). The names have included: * Chion (cry baby) A very fitting name for that cat; he died last year. * Besos (kisses) She died a few years ago. * Dulce (sweet - but actually the cat's full name is Dulce de Leche in honor of the caramel spot on her forehead) She's a year-old indoor cat.

So when my mom saw Dulce written on the box, she said she couldn't resist buying this particular candy for the girls (she knows how much they LOVE their cats). Now G. is thinking maybe we need another cat because she has lots of new naming possibilities thanks to these candy hearts ... or maybe for the sled dog she really wants. But no, I'm still holding strong and she is not getting a dog (or cat) for Valentine's Day this year. A girl can wish though.

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