Friday, May 11, 2007

The many uses of a sled

We have some new ducks this week and when we brought them home, the girls decided to use one of their winter sleds for a pool for them. This isn't too odd for us though, the girls' old sand box is used as a water trough in the main part of the coop.

The ducks were hatched by some students at Magdalen College and turned over to the older brother of the girls' friends.

And then we invited one of our neighbor's dogs (the friendly, well-behaved ones) over and Cody just loved the other sled.

Other duck news...
We were saddened - but not surprised - that our other ducks were 'lost' last week. They refused to go back into the coop at night and  after years of regularly chasing the ducks to get inside for their own good, we decided we'd had enough. It took about 2 weeks before one of the many predators in the woods behind our house finally caught them.

But now we have two new ones and the girls plan to "train" them (they think if they handle them more as ducklings, they will be "better listeners").

But I'm not sure I can say that's going so well. L. just emailed me to update me on something else she was doing and then wrote a "p.s." about the training.
    p.s my duck scratched me again but it not as bad as the one yesterday.
The jury is still out about these new ducks.

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