Tuesday, December 5, 2006

The new ice skating fashion

The kids crack me up with their various ice skating outfit choices. For instance, last week G. wore one of her favorite long fleece skirts. She sews them herself and pretty much wears one every day. It's our compromise to going tight-less (she's not a fan of wearing tights for more than her hour-long ballet class or ice skating because she finds them too itchy). I want her to stay warm and she wants to be comfortable so the fleece skirts meet somewhere in the middle.

Playing train and tag are favorites with the girls during open skate.

G. happily reported after her hour on the ice that the long skirt was easy to skate in. I'm skeptical but it's just not that important a thing to argue with her about. And hey, it's motivating her to become a better seamstress, a life skill that will come in handy throughout her life, so I've zipped my lips closed on the subject.

Today, L. showed a little variety in her skating outfit choices at the Portland Ice Arena. She and a couple of her friends shared their holiday spirit by wearing red and white capes at the arena's Christmas party.

Seen Team gallery from the Portland Ice Arena's Christmas party.

Speaking of Seen Team, we also took some photos at the
4-H Winterfest at Pineland Farms on Sunday.

Now I think I need to catch up on a little sleep after a busy couple of days...

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