Friday, March 10, 2006

Where's Bunny? #4

Bunny and "Sister Bunny"

Earlier this week we were driving by a lake (Maine's second largest - hint, hint) and saw some ice fishing shacks. The kids wanted a closer look so we stopped. It turned out the ice glider/sailboat was what really ended up capturing their attention.

We didn't see it in action but have in the past and both girls want to try it out. Maybe next year, the ice was "groaning" and I wasn't feeling too confident venturing beyond the shore. And with warmer temps on the way, the ice will be gone really soon anyway. There's always next year - something I keep saying because this Maine winter has been so strange...

So tell me, Where is Bunny?

Game Rule Reminder: The first person to POST A COMMENT (it doesn't count if you email me) about WHERE Bunny is in the photo, wins a "really cool glitter pen" from (a direct quote from L.). Anyone can win so if you know where Bunny is, post it (and don't forget to include your email address).

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