Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Where's Bunny #12

It was a beautiful day and we had to get out and enjoy it. Bunny and his robot friend, Goddard the geocaching Travel Bug, came along too. They are "best robot friends" according to L.

Can you guess what we were doing today? Here's a hint, we weren't geocaching (Goddard was just along for the ride on this one) but I've written about this activity in my monthly column more than once.

Game Rule Reminder: The first person to POST A COMMENT (it doesn't count if you email me) about Bunny's location (or answer the question posed) in the photo, wins a "really cool glitter pen" from MaineToday.com (a direct quote from L.). Anyone can win so if you know the answer, post it -- and don't forget to include your email address.

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