1. L. weighs less than a hundred pounds yet her boots are sinking in to the mud up to her ankles by the feeder and it's making dumping grain tricky (it's actually much deeper in other places in the pen where we haven't been dropping hay and shavings to soak up some of the water). It's also a majorly messy affair with the pigs swinging their bodies around in excitement of getting their dinner, which means that she's typically covered in mud in less than a minute. The upside is that at least she knows how to use the washing machine...
2. L. is wearing her winter coat. Yes, that is the same coat she wore on the February cover of the magazine (which was shot during a big snow storm) and it's not because she's one of those kids who is always cold. No, the temperature reading at our house says 55 degrees and it's not even fully dark yet (is it really July 2?).
3. Even after dumping leaves, wood shavings and hay today, I don't think the mud pit, which used to be the pig pen, will ever dry out. I usually take the glass half-full approach to things but I'm thinking that half-full isn't sounding as ideal as half-empty right now.
4. Not pictured. The creative stringing of the cord that powers the electric fence, which has shorted out a couple of times recently (that's very bad since the pigs still haven't given up on their dreams of freedom) because of the increasing volume of puddles around the pen.
Even with these wrong things, there is some frolicking -- gloating even -- going on at our house with all this rain.
Curse those ducks.
The ducks are in a constant state of motion running from puddle to puddle in our yard and happily quacking the day away. So much so that I couldn't even catch an in-focus picture of them because they appear to be elated to have so many bodies of water in such close proximity to play in these days. They can't seem to settle on just one.
OK, I've said my peace that life with animals isn't so easy right now but I figure at this point things can only get better. Right?
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