Thursday, March 29, 2007

Making new letterbox stamp, spring hiking

We haven't been letterboxing since November but the girls were inspired to create a new box for Wolfe's Neck Farm with some of their 4-H friends. L. was put in charge of designing and carving the stamp and just finished it.

Keeping the design simple helped L. when it came time to carve out the stamp. She also had to remember to write the letters/numbers backwards so the impression came out correctly. She decided to make a second stamp because she enjoys carving them so much.

We're headed back to the farm in a few weeks to hide the letterbox (and a geocache) and we'll let you know the details when that's done. But this weekend we're plan to go hiking in the mid-coast region (still working out the details today).

In preparation for our first hike of the season, the kids just went through our backpacks to restock the first aid kit and inventory our various supplies (binoculars, GPS, candy/gum, etc.). They also included an extra pair of socks in their packs so we don't run into the same trouble we did last spring (L.'s not interested in wearing gloves for socks again). 

Spring hiking in Maine requires a sturdy pair of boots and the acceptance that you're going to get a little muddy. But the best part of hiking at this time of year is --- there are not that many bugs!

I'll take mud over bugs anyday.

Find a trail near you

Look for kid-friendly trails with the little pink bunny icon

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