Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Jumping for joy

The day after we went to the hockey game when the Pirates' player Kenny Smith got hurt, the girls made a get-well card and mailed it off to him in care of the team. As I had mentioned, we were all a little horrified by all his blood on the ice and hoped he was OK.

I didn't think they would get a letter back from Smith; I told them he was probably a little busy in the playoffs.

But today the kids received autographed cards from him thanking them for their letter. They were thrilled.

"I TOLD you he'd write us back mom! He said our card made him feel better. I'm really happy he liked our card." said G.

"Mom, take a picture of us jumping because we're sooo happy Kenny Smith sent us a card!" said L.

And they'll be bringing their cards along to root for their new favorite player - and the team - at tomorrow night's playoff game at the Civic Center.

They are true-blue hockey fans now.

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