Sunday, April 30, 2006

Creative way to warm up

Yesterday was a long day for the kids and I. We had a lot to do but I won't bore you with the mundane details. The highlight of the day for me was the geocaching event at Mt. Agamenticus. I really enjoyed putting some faces to screen names I've chatted with from both the and sites.

The kids didn't want to hang around at the geocaching event; they were a bit on the grouchy side due to lack of sleep. But a side trip to the beach at Cape Neddick perked them up.

We haven't been to the beach since last fall so the novelty of jumping around in freezing cold water was fun for them. Just for curiosity's sake, this morning I looked up how cold the Gulf of Maine waters are right now.

45 degrees

After 15 minutes of running through the water and getting nearly every part of themselves wet, L. came running over to me (yes, I chose the dry sand to enjoy instead). She then started burying her feet with some urgency. I asked her what she was doing.

"I have to get my feet inside the sand. It's so toasty warm and my feet are so cold!"

"Did it work? Are your feet warm?"


Good to know...

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