Friday, December 9, 2005

The dog and seal controversy

We were driving past Hadlock Field the other day and decided to stop to take a photo of the Portland Sea Dogs statue with some Flat Stanleys we have been hosting. Both flat friends came from boys so we thought a photo with a sports logo would be a fun picture for them.

The kids jumped out of the car, we took a quick picture and then went on our way.

Then last night L. was working on the journal she was writing to send home with the Flat Stanley and mentioned the "seal" picture.

What seal picture? I asked.

The baseball guy, L. said.

G. chimed in, "He's a Sea Dog. You know, a dog just like his name says."

No he's not! He's a seal, said L.

But he has dog in his name and he looks like a dog.

G., I was sitting by his feet and he has seal feet. He does not have dog paws. See look at the picture!

After some searching, I came up with a story about the logo.

    "I read him the whole list of names and he asked me what a Sea Dog was," Eshbach said.... Gilchrist said the logo of a spunky seal pup poking its head through the letter P and holding a bat in his teeth borrowed from the Chicago Bulls for the eyes, the San Jose Sharks for the bat in its mouth (the shark has a hockey stick) and the Durham Bulls for the animal through the letter.
So give L. a cigar, I thought he was a dog too.

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