Saturday, September 3, 2005

Gas prices are really going to affect Maine kids this fall

Everyone's talking about the spike in gas prices and my husband and I are moaning and groaning too. What's really going to be an issue in our household is the reduction and/or elimination of several kid-related activities, including play dates with friends who live outside our town. The kids are not happy about being forced to make choices about what they aren't going to do this fall.

We drive the kids to their various activities/classes every week from our not-close-to-anything house. Now with the price of gas so high we simply can't keep the same driving schedule we've had going for the past couple of years. And our outdoor adventures hiking and geocaching are not going to be as frequent either.

I think the big story that has not been told yet in Maine (but I'm sure will be soon) is what the public schools are going to cut to absorb the cost of fuel for buses (and heat for buildings this winter). I read a story yesterday that in Utah there are several public school districts considering passing the expense of gas on to parents of kids involved in sports and extra-curricular activities. And other stories coming out on the web are talking about cutting field trips, school programs and consolidating bus stops (fewer stops saves gas) today. It will be interesting to see how Maine schools handle the issue in the coming weeks and months.

But I'm going to stop complaining about gas prices now and get busy finding families to set up some carpools. Of course I'm sure the "I told you so" people from today's story would tell me that I should have done that years ago. Well, better late than never I guess.

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