Friday, September 30, 2005

A fall cornmaze is a lot of fun

After trying our hand at orienteering and geocaching this past year, and thoroughly enjoyed each activity, our curiosity was peaked with a brochure we saw for a giant corn maze. We couldn't resist the urge to try it out.

It took us an hour to navigate our way through the "Fire Engine" corn maze at Pumpkin Valley Farm. It wasn't as easy as it seemed thought. And, there are no maps, GPS units (although the girls did suggest using one near the end of our trek) or compass to assist. But, we did play a trivia game card that offered clues on which way to turn at the numbered markers inside the maze. We didn't know a few of the trivia answers so we guessed. But, I had a big "duh" moment later that night when I realized that the answers were actually on the trivia game paper. Not a shining star moment for me.

If you're planning on trying a corn maze, most operate on weekends through the end of October. Pumpkin Valley evens offers an additional nighttime challenge the last weekend of October. There are also giant mazes in Corinna and Caribou. The Corinna maze is actually an interesting tribute to the Red Sox.

The two bridges in the maze offered a great view of the field.

We had a little fun in the maze with the Flat Stanleys.

The kids were tired by the time we reached the last marker but they still had enough energy left to do a little victory dance with the Flat Stanleys.

After making our way through the corn maze the kids made a beeline for the "corn box." Getting buried was one of the afternoon's highlights but we could have done without all the fine, white corn dust in the car.

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