Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh my, how you (the pigs) have grown

L. did a weigh-in for her pigs yesterday and it was, as expected, a messy and muddy affair. Even with the dry spell recently, the downpours from thunderstorms have kept the pig pen as wet and pond-like as ever. But we have been less concerned about the puddles these days because the water has been keeping the pigs cool in the hot temperatures (unlike the cooler, more problematic situation a few weeks ago).

Even before this weigh-in it was clear the pigs have had a growth spurt recently (eating 100 pounds of grain per week will do that do you). And because they are quite large, there is less space for them to manuever out of reach so I had hoped this weigh-in would be a bit easier than previous ones. But Pulchra is still quite agile and managed to get away from us while trying to get the measuring tape around her middle (a special tape is used to take measurements in order to guesstimate livestock weight).

We were successful in getting the job done and we guesstimated each pig was about 250 pounds. This revelation prompted L. to make the quintessential mama comment.

"Wow my babies have gotten so big!"

Unlike the last time, G. managed to get the antics of this weigh-in on video. And since compromise is important with my family, I conceded to posting the video of me (looking my best of course) trying to out-maneuver a large agile animal in a muddy pen.

As you'll see, the weigh-in went OK for Titus (aka "Bubby" these days). He's a laid back personality and a quick back scratch is all he needs to comply with most requests (I do appreciate his idea of exercise on weigh-in days). But Pulchra, she is a different story entirely.

And in case you'd like see how much these pigs have grown in a little less than three months, you can re-watch the video I took of L. doing the late-May weigh-in (they were a bit under 90 pounds then).

As G. reminded me (in the most recent video) the proper comment to say here is, "Holy Pig!"

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