Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ring tones strike my funny bone

I have an iPhone and found software to make my own ring tones from audio clips. I am way more entertained than I should be about the ability to customize ring tones for the special people in my life.

So far the people who have my customized ring tones have never actually heard them because (obviously) they aren't sitting right next to me when my phone rings with their number. But they are aware I have a special one just for them.

My co-workers have caught on to my ring tones for the people I live with since they periodically call me at the office. My co-workers have had a chuckle (or two) about my choices.

For instance, I love my little L. but she is 13. Anyone who has or has lived with a 13 year old knows the challenges of that particular age. And when she calls me there is usually some dire need that I must take care of for her immediately. She has had a sense of immediacy since she was as a baby and life with her hasn't changed much in that regard since those early days.

Her ring tone?
"SOS" by Abba

I should also explain that the software I use to create my own ring tone allows me to choose any section of the song for my 30-second clip.

The lyrics to the ring tone for L. on my phone start...

"When you're near me darling can't you hear me
The love you gave me nothing else can save me

This makes me smile.

Every. Single. Time.

So when she calls me with her 13-year-old needs I start the conversation on a positive note (and I believe she will appreciate this tactic even more when she's older).

When G. was a toddler she didn't have a lot of language skills. She was diagnosed with a speech issue at three years old and spent time in and out of speech therapy until 8th grade. She was the preschooler that would try to communicate with teachers and/or peers and wonder why no one knew what she was saying. She felt she was being perfectly understandable. I was accused of being too good an interpreter at one point because she wasn't forced to clarify her words with me.  As her mother I could almost always figure out what she was saying. She got language figured out but it took longer than most.

When she was older I would joke with her that she had her own special language.

To further explain my ring tone choice for G., which I'm getting to in a minute, she has also always loved anything Hawaiian. When she was in elementary school we were host to many Hawaiian inspired meals at our house. I'm not talking simple, commonly known/Americanized pineapple and coconut recipes. Nope. We have an authentic Hawaiian cookbook and experimented with many traditional Hawaiian recipes just for fun. G. (and L.) also went to Hula camp (a week-long camp put on by a local dance studio) a couple of summers in a row to learn to dance the hula when they were little.

So her ring tone?
"Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" from Lilo & Stitch.

It starts at the beginning of the song sung in Hawaiian (which I believe is a warm affectionate greeting in that language).
"Aloha e aloha e
'Ano 'ai ke aloha e
Aloha ae aloha e
A nu ay ki aloha e"

This makes me smile because I don't speak Hawaiian but it reminds me of those years no one knew what G. was saying but me. The same is true now when my Maine friends hear the ring tone. "What is that" is the most common question I get when G. calls my phone.

My friend Meg has a special ring tone too. She is a woman to be admired for her faith and when I found the iPhone's "Bell Tower" ring tone, which sounds just like church bells, I had to make that her ring tone.

The girls jump to hand me the phone when they hear the bells because it usually means Meg and I are planning an activity for our kids to hang out together ("play date" is not a term to be used with teens, just in case you were wondering).

Church bells are a welcomed sound at our house.

Fino, my lovely husband, spends time  worrying about money. We have never had two full time incomes at our house since the kids were born. I think we've made the right choices with how we've spent time with our family. But there are a lot of things we've done without living on one and a half incomes for 14 years. Someday I know we'll feel a little more comfortable. But it doesn't stop Fino from worrying about paying for the big ticket items (like a newer used car, college for the kids, etc., etc.). It's not a huge stresser, just something he brings up because we have to make regular adjustments to our monthly budget.

So his ring tone?
"Money, Money, Money" by Abba

"Money, money, money
must be funny
in a rich man's world.
Money, money, money
always sunny
in a rich man's world."

And my dad, who has always had a good sense of humor, has his own ring tone too. The problem is that his regular phone number is a "blocked" number so I don't hear his ring tone unless he calls me on his cell phone. But when he does make those cell calls to my phone, I giggle.

His ring tone?
"Dancing Queen" by Abba
(And yeah, I know I have a Mamma Mia soundtrack theme going on. It's what I have to work with at the moment.)

"You are the dancing queen
young and sweet
only 17
Dancing queen
feel the beat from the tambourine
oh yeah
You can dance
you can jive
having the time of your life."

I figured he should not mind being referred to as "young and sweet." And since he's retired, I think maybe he is enjoying his life so the ring tone suits (in my opinion of course).

But dad, if you are reading this and want me to change your ring tone, offer up a better musical selection. Although you need not suggest, "Dance With Me." I heard that song way too many times at your house when I was a kid and I just can't muster the enthusiasm for it.

And mum, I haven't found quite the right one for you yet. You're the cliche, "Mama Mia" right now until I work on a better one. 

Now if my loved ones were to decide to be clever and choose a ring tone for me I have no idea what they would choose. I'll have to put L. on the job. She's the one who has the wit to pick one that's apropos. I'll share it when I get the suggestion in the spirit of fair play and all.

I can't imagine I'm the only one having some fun with ring tone options. I would guess that although my children know their ring tones, as well as Fino, I wonder if when they read this entry I might be "encouraged" to make some changes to my repertoire. But I don't think I'll mind too much. I might be inspired to find one that's even better...

Do you have any customized ring tones on your cell phone? If you have, post a comment and tell me what ring tones you have, and why.

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