Thursday, March 31, 2011

My feathered welcome wagon

We have free range chickens. That term sounds more impressive than its reality. Every day we open the coop and the chickens wander our large yard. In our flock's case that is never too far from home (due to predators in the forest behind our house) so it's a good arrangement for the humans and the chickens.

Our free ranging friends are my daily welcome wagon when I return home from work. They run over to greet me in the driveway without fail. I believe there are several reasons for this.

1. They want to jump in my car to get the crumbs in the backseat. They do this at every opportunity a car door is open more than 30 seconds.

2. Our hens have been handled a lot by the kids and they're used to humans. 

3. The chickens receive their feed from humans every day along with table scraps thrown on top (they are all about their 'desserts').

So although chickens aren't known for their brains, they do get the concept of a free meal.

Their welcoming greetings, however, is only an occasional job. They do a lot of hanging about and rustling up grub from the ground. At this time of year the only ground without snow is our general walkway area in front of the house where we shovel/plow.

That means their favorite hangout location is our front door.

I am endlessly entertained by my feathered friends and I appreciate that they show some enthusiasm for my return home.

What I don't care for is their indiscriminate pooping. When a chicken feels the urge, they just let it go wherever they are.

That's not so good when their favorite hangout is your front door stoop. It's a minefield right now (and has been for a couple of weeks) to navigate the poop bombs to get into the house.

Wishing for the snow to melt is still awhile off given the upcoming nor'easter forecast for tomorrow, I know. But really Mother Nature, my indiscriminate poopers need a new hangout. Preferably in the open field garden next to their coop.

My (indoor) front hall carpet would appreciate the help since I have some indiscriminate walkers-in-the-house-after-stepping-in-every-poop bomb kids as well.

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