Monday, December 14, 2009

Braved cold for a fun holiday event

The girls and I had a great time at the Boat Parade of Lights on Casco Bay this past weekend. We went with our friend Shannon and although it was a mighty chilly Saturday night, it was a fun way to celebrate the season (we even had a chance to say hi to Julie and BOO on the boat).

There were large windows to view the illuminated boats and fireworks from the warmth of the spacious cabin on the ferry but L. opted to spent the majority of her time outside on the bow. She likes to be where she perceives the "action" to be and prepared accordingly with lots of extra layers so she was comfortable out there. (She lamented she didn't have any long-john bottoms that fit her so her legs were a bit chilly by the end of the night - good thing that item is on her Christmas wish list.)

I realized that after two days outside in the frigid temperatures that I have much more tolerance for the cold when I'm active and moving than I do simply standing around. Ringing a bell in Monument Square (we were, unfortunately, in the wind tunnel area) and standing on the bow of a boat at night in December are not quite the same as moving down the trail on my cross country skis. Or maybe my body just had to get over its shock of the arctic blast we had over the weekend. Either way, I'm ready for winter now with my double-layer gloves and long-johns.

The girls have their cross country skis ready (we picked them up from the Maine Winter Sports Center at Pineland over the weekend) and are eager to get on the trails.

Now it's just trying to find time among the myriad of holiday activities we have in our family schedule to get out and enjoy the snow. Is Christmas really only 11 days away?

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