The girls took some video of my and my throwing leg so they could show me how silly I looked. But, I took some video of them to confirm they moved their back leg as well. L. made a deliberate effort not to move her leg when she threw her disc but those throws just didn't fly that far. When I turned off the video camera she went back to flinging her leg like me and managed to meet most pars.
I do feel some redemption now though. Another disc golfer commented on my YouTube video shortly after I posted it confirming I wasn't so wrong after all.
- trw777 says... Nothing to be ashamed about. Proper disc golf throwing technique involves a LOT of leg "action." Search YouTube for "disc golf long distance drives" and watch how much their legs move!
For those of you who are not familiar with the game of disc golf, I'd highly recommend it. It's tons of fun for families and there's plenty of courses to play around the state.
Here's a short video clip of the kids playing on the Pleasant Hill course recently.
We started playing disc golf when the girls were little. Here's story about my family's first intro to game (which included a collection of sticks along the way by L. and an escape from "jail").
G. took a picture of me throwing to post on my Twitter account while we were on the course. The hazard of tech-savvy kids, although it was all in good fun and I've had my chuckles on their behalf through the years as well...
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