Monday, April 6, 2009

Breaking out bikes, cat goes for ride too

The girls dug out their bikes from the recesses or our basement last week to ride around our muddy (with snow patches) backyard because they could not wait another day to get on their bikes.

The family cat, Dulce, could likely have done without the basket ride. But she was a good sport about celebrating the rites of passage with a spring riding adventure (i.e., a short trip up and down the driveway) in G.'s basket.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, taking pets on a bike ride is not an original thought for the Almeida girls. The first animal to be introduced to biking was one of our chickens a couple of years ago.

That was when L. was first learning to ride a bike and a minor tip over happened but L. and the chicken walked away with only a few ruffled feathers.

(This is one of my favorite videos for L.'s commentary. It's about her dad's bike riding skills. I was not around at the time - G. made the video - but it cracks me up every time I hear her voice inflection and sentiment.)

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