Friday, August 8, 2008

Another river with speed demon - and no drama

Last Friday while it was thunderstorming in Maine, we were enjoying a sunny (albeit humid) day on the Merrimack River in Massachusetts.

It was our annual trip to the Treehouse (my mom and her fiance's boat). Last year the girls took turns driving the boat but this year, G. took a whirl with the skiff instead.

She was a bit of a speed demon zipping around the river (which is translating to the tractor as well in the backyard) and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

L. opted not to drive the skiff but what she did do that was just as noteworthy.

She went swimming in the river.

Yup, after some thinking on it (which included looking closely at the water for a while) she tested things out by wading in to her ankles. Within minutes of that, she was swimming underwater.

And we are happy to report that there were no sightings of leeches on this adventure! (And no photos either as I went swimming too in solidarity for putting that experience behind us.)

We celebrated L.'s milestone afterward with some Tootsie Rolls and a few rounds of Kings in the Corner back on the Treehouse with grandma.

Sunny days on the river are back (well, even if they are in a different state right now).

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