Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An interesting eye for photos

My 12-year-old likes to take photos. Since she struggles with traditional academics because of her processing learning issues, Fino and I encouraged her to explore her interest in photography several years ago and she has a real passion for it now. For the past week or so she has been sifting through her photo collection taken this past year - most of them of the various animals in her life - to select her "best of the best" for her 4-H exhibit hall display at the Ossipee Fair (it opens next week). With the hundreds of photos she had, it was hard for her to make her final choices. But she finally settled on 20 photos organized in to four themes - Round, Action, Light and Eyes. It was the Eyes theme that I thought was particularly interesting. She managed to take a picture of every set of eyes in our house (well, not all 30 chickens, but a couple of them, along with the ducks, cats - including the blind one - and human family members). G. shared her observations about our family's eyes while waiting for the printer to spit out her final collage: "Wow mom, my eyes really are exactly the same color as daddy's. They are like dark chocolate." "L. has the longest eyelashes, why don't I have eyelashes like that?" (I wish I had eyelashes like that too but L. doesn't think they're all that great. Since L. was little, if she rubs her eyes too much her long eyelashes get caught in her eyeball and it takes a minute - with some discomfort that usually includes crying - to get them cleared out.) "Mom you have weird brown spots in your green eyeballs. They look like weird freckles." (What isn't weird about your parents when you're 12?) Watching G. work on this project helped me to once again appreciate her special view of the world. Light Round

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