We took a dingy over to the fort because it's shallow around the island and the tides move really fast.
We tied up a distance from the shore and walked in because the tide was going out and we didn't want the dingy to run aground while we were exploring. Unfortunately for another set of visitors, they didn't know about the fast moving tides. Fino and Mike offered a hand to help them carry their boat over quite a bit of dry ground to get it back in the water.
L. loved all the periwinkles on the beach and kept running her hands through all of them. She picked out a few before she was off and running to the fort's entrance.
We walked through the hallways around the fort then found the stairs to explore each level. There are several dark hallways that require a flashlight and Mike warned us that the light often startles the pigeons who nest in the dark corners.
But L. wanted to explore the "everywhere" so after we walked through all the sunlit hallways she and I walked in to one of the dark stairways.
I flashed my light in front of us and startled a pigeon in a corner about a foot away from us. The pigeon flapped through the doorway at knee level and L. flung her arms up as she jumped and screamed. She did it all in one fluid motion and her arms moved nearly as fast as the pigeon's wings. L. leaped into me and between the pigeon and a flying, screaming kid heading right at me, I was startled in to a scream myself. Then G., who wasn't even in the doorway with us, screamed too.
The guys of course thought the whole thing was incredibly funny. L. really had been terrified but she got over it quickly and laughed along with the rest of us too.
As we were heading back towards the boat, L. started complaining about her armpits being sore.
"Don't laugh Mommy! They really hurt!"
I guess we can't all flap our arms like a pigeon.
L. loved all the periwinkles on the beach around the fort.
They look so peaceful by the open windows...
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