Friday, September 21, 2007

4-H volunteers have fun at Tidewater Farm

The Cumberland County Extension Association held their annual meeting earlier this week and asked for some 4-H volunteers to help.

The girls signed-on and were responsible for guiding traffic to the parking areas at Tidewater Farm in Falmouth - the site of what the Extension Association hopes will be a new educational facility for the Cumberland County Extension Association.

Being typical kids with sticks in their hands, they had a grand time waving them around and being silly in-between offering parking assistance (and they did actually do a good job directing traffic).

But much to G.'s chagrin, her more vigorous waving did make the orange tie fall off a few times and required quick adjustments.

After they were done directing traffic, the kids attended the annual meeting and enjoyed eating the results of the pie bake-off afterwards as well as the glow sticks they were given when the sun started setting (of course what kid doesn't like glow-in-the-dark stuff?).

As G. often does sitting for long periods of time (i.e., more than a half hour) she got antsy so I sent her off to take some photos of the area while I chatted for a few minutes.

The setting sun at the estuary...

Hopefully the Extension Association's fundraising plans work out so that Tidewater Farm can serve as the new location of their offices and education facilities. It really is a beautiful place.

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