Friday, November 3, 2006

Blast from the past

After a quick search on YouTube to track down a video clip for a friend, I ran across some old Schoolhouse Rock cartoons. You know, the ones they played on Saturday mornings in the late-70s and early-80s that were supposed to teach kids a particular concept between the cartoons.

As I sat at my computer laughing and reliving a bit of my childhood, the kids drifted over to the computer to watch them with me. I think they enjoyed them almost as much as I did.

My favorite was, and continues to be, Interplanet Janet. Of course Janet's song might need some revamping with the addition of a newly identified planet last year and the controversy about Pluto. But since the song is so catchy, L. learned all the words to it after watching it a few times.

Here are some of the others I found:

Rufus Sasparilla
Constitution Bill
Lolly's Adverbs
Conjunction Junction
Interplanet Janet

L. said "Lolly" and "Janet" were her favorites; G., who loves learning about space, particularly constellations, voted for "Janet."

What's your favorite?

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