Friday, September 29, 2006

The kids know how to rock now

Blue Man Group was my kids' first rock concert and wow, it was awesome. I had never seen the group perform but everyone told me they put on a great show and the kids would love it. Oh yeah, it was.

L. had the arm waving, head-bobbing and raising the roof arms down pat by the end of the show. The whole rock star parady theme the group had going was tons of fun. The kids were too busy following all the Rock Star Fan "Rules" during the show to really care why Fino and I were laughing so hard at it all.

If you ever want your kids to have a concert experience - and enjoy the show yourself - Blue Man Group is it.

There were so many glowing cell phone lights in the crowd last night I couldn't resist taking a shot of our own.

Check out our Seen Team photos of the audience last night

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