Monday, August 7, 2006

A new appreciation this weekend

I solve a mystery clue (no town location given) for a letterbox in Cumberland County

We drive to the location and follow the rest of the clues to find the box

Search and search

And search some more

Knowingly walk through poison ivy because it is in area we think box is hidden based on clue directions

Tell L. not to follow me while I investigate

L. follows anyway

Her and I wash our legs and shoes in nearby bathroom to avoid rash

We find box in a different patch of trees nearby

We re-read the clue directions to the box

Family votes unanimously that letterboxers write clues that are not clever so much as simply poor directions (this was our experience with other boxes we have found as well)

Kids tell parents in the car that "geocaching is more fun" even though "the letterbox stamps are cool."

Parents agree

Later try to go to to log our box find

Find the letterboxing website is not operational

I pull out my GPS unit and admire it lovingly

No one breaks out with poison ivy the next day

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