Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hearty Maine kid hopeful for spring

We went hiking on the coast last weekend and although it wasn't very warm, it was sunny.

We walked the Cliff Walk on Marginal Way in Ogunquit and it really was the perfect spring hiking trip. Beautiful views, cliffs to explore (you can climb down to the shoreline) and plenty of rocks and shells to admire.

But best of all?

We did not see a speck of snow.

Cliff Walk on Marginal Way

L. played a bit of "chicken" with the waves on Marginal Way and was not at all disappointed to get a little wet while admiring the ocean from a rock close to the waves.

(You can read my full trail review in the Outdoors section of the Telegram this Sunday.)

But this was just a warm-up for L. with our spring hiking adventures. I knew the request to take off her shoes would come shortly after we arrived Ferry Beach State Park even though the trail to the beach was snow-covered.

L.  didn't make a move right away but I could almost hear those wheels turning in her head while she considered the idea.

She, as usual, had to push the envelope a bit and test the waters by getting her boots wet...

 ...before she decided a dip in the ocean up to her ankles was too compelling for her to resist.

I know her feet were cold but the calendar says it's April and that's spring in L.'s book. She is a hearty Maine kid after all.

Running in and out of the water, warming up her toes in the sand and collecting sea shells were all part of her day at the beach.

And in case you're wondering, no one else in our group followed her lead with shoe removals.

At this time of year Ferry Beach State Park in Saco is a great place to visit to let the kids run around and have some fun - with, or without, shoes. I'd say the shoe factor depends on how much you feel like arguing with your kids about being cold. I've long since given up trying to deter L. from a spring dip. 

You can have the beach (almost) to yourself while celebrating warmer weather's return... even if that is more hopeful than actual reality this month.

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