Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hot cocoa & marshmallows, a seasonal favorite

I really like to drink hot cocoa in the morning at the office at this time of year. My co-worker Stephanie and I keep each other supplied with cocoa mix because neither of us are coffee drinkers.

We are also of the same mind that hot cocoa is best served with marshmallows... or whipped cream or french vanilla creamer.

Marshmallows are the most practical to keep stocked in our desks at the office so that's why we buy the generic hot cocoa mix with the mini marshmallows.

A few weeks ago I found french vanilla marshmallows shaped liked snowmen at WalMart and I had to buy them. I brought the bag in to the office to share with Stephanie and we agreed that hint of vanilla really comes through in the cocoa. We made our way through the marshmallow bag in short order.

I went back to the store and bought three more bags. We're working our way through a bag this week.

This morning though Stephanie commented that she's been looking for flavored marshmallows and can't find any vanilla types (nor the snowmen themselves) at the stores she frequents. That got me to thinking... I need to stock up on these snowmen marshmallows because now that we've had them we don't want to drink our hot cocoa without them!

Some people have their coffee and their caffeine. We have our french vanilla marshmallow crack addiction. And really the little snowmen marshmallows are a lot more fun and uplifting than a cup of java anyway. They never fail to provoke a smile from other co-workers.

Do you have a favorite seasonal food item you stock up on so you can enjoy it when it disappears from the store shelves until next year?

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