Sunday, October 24, 2010

Corn maze adventure not just for kids

We love getting lost in a corn maze every fall. The kids' favorite is Pumpkin Valley in Dayton and we've visited that maze every year for the past five years. A couple of years ago we took along our GPS unit to "draw" the path of the maze and although didn't fully replicate it, very much enjoyed seeing the track as well as the mileage covered.

Pumpkin Valley Corn maze 2008

We covered 1.8 miles in about an hour and a half in 2008. We also visited Zach's Corn Maze in York another time and mapped that one too. We covered 1.1 miles in an hour that time.

Yesterday was the first free afternoon we have had this fall to visit the maze. We realized it was the first time we'd ever visited so late in the season. Usually the kids are itching to get to the maze and we make our visit in September. But late-October offers a different sort of maze adventure. It was fun - and loud. The dried brown stalks make a lot of noise in the crisp fall wind.

This year we didn't try to 'draw' the whole maze. We simply wanted to see how much mileage we'd cover and how much time it would take us to navigate the maze. Although this was not about rushing and/or being a perfect navigator. We like the bridges so we climbed them a couple of times just for fun and simply enjoyed being back in the maze.

The numbered stations to answer trivia questions in the maze never gets old either... (we always pick the Halloween themed ones). At least we know the majority of answers to get clues on which way to turn at each station to help find the next one. The clues don't really help you find your way but it's a fun feature nonetheless. And L. really enjoys the signs at each station... especially when they feature pigs.

Last month I was explaining to a co-worker who is new to Maine about this particular corn maze. I suggested he take his son because I thought they might enjoy it. But after he said he'd been to corn mazes previously and they weren't all that hard, I knew he didn't get what I was trying to explain. But a picture and a map can sometimes explain things a little better and I'm glad I've got a little GPS know-how.

This maze - and several others around Maine - are not just for little kids (although they will love the adventure too - just make sure they go potty and bring a long a little snack before you enter the maze).

Pumpkin Valley Corn maze 2010

This year we walked 1.3 miles in just under an hour while navigating the maze from start to finish.

If you want to visit a maze this fall, do it soon. Most mazes close the day after Halloween this year.

* Corn Mazes in Maine 2010

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