Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Swine Queen (of Chow)

L. has been enjoying her piglets and they already know she's THE most important human in their life. She's the one who feeds them and makes sure their pen is relatively poop-free twice a day.

Groovy Smoothie and Petunia are paparazzi-like in their adoration of L. and follow closely on her heels whenever she's nearby, hoping she'll offer a scrap in her wake.

She has become the Swine Queen of Chow in less than two weeks.

But she always offers a kind word, or scratch, to her subjects whenever she's in their (pen) realm.

But that saying about not biting the hand that feeds you? That's a little lost on Groovy Smoothie and Petunia. They just can't help but try to take a nibble of their Queen's coat, pants or boots when the opportunity presents itself. Our swine friends last year had the same inclination, hence the duct tape on L.'s boots.

Petunia is trying to take a nibble out of the top of L.'s boots in this photo. The black duct tape covers Pulchra's (nearly successful) attempt at eating the boots last year. Wearing the boots and moving around does not always deter the pigs from nibbling, especially as they get larger.

Of course they seem to like to nibble on the Queen's mother as well. But such is life with swine adoration. It's all about checking out everything to see if it's edible.

This year though, L.'s determined to provide more exercise with that chow. Video to come later on that.

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