Wednesday, January 16, 2008

4-H keeps us busy with - and without - snow

The snow-less weekend kept us from our <a href=>cross country skiing adventures</a> but 4-H kept us busy knitting, crocheting and sewing.

Saturday the girls learned more about spinning and fiber arts and did some crochet and knit squares through the annual 4-H Craft Day (a county-wide 4-H event).

<img alt="080116craftday_blog.jpg" src="" width="484" height="287" border="0" />

Then on Sunday, the girls' club made aprons for the 4-H snack shack at the Cumberland fairgrounds. The booth is the largest 4-H fundraiser for the county program and although it's hardwork to serve as short order cooks and servers for the afternoon, <a href=>my family  thinks it's a lot of fun too</a>.

The kids liked the idea of wearing matching aprons while working there this year.

<img alt="080116aprons1_blog.jpg" src="" width="484" height="271" border="0" />

And I thought Fino deserved special recognition for his group's apron, which required some creative handling with the little boys in his group. They had special code names to manage the sewing machine's peddles that included, "drive like grandma" and "speed racer."

<img alt="080116aprons5_blog.jpg" src="" width="484" height="305" border="0" />

The club made six aprons to donate to the snack shack and had plenty of fun doing it.

<img alt="080116aprons3_blog.jpg" src="" width="484" height="307" border="0" />
<span class=seen><a href=>More photos from our apron-making afternoon</a></span>

Then during our snow day on Monday, L. decided to put her sewing skills to use again by working on her Raggedy Ann doll for the <a href=>annual 4-H Fashion Review</a>.

<img alt="080116doll_blog.jpg" src="" width="484" height="363" border="0" />

The yarn hair was not an easy task but somehow L. managed to get it done (since I had never done this kind of thing before it was a learning experience for both of us) and she is pleased with the results (and I'm just glad it's over).

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Now with all the new snow - and more on the way - we can get back to our skiing activities and 4-H ski club this coming weekend.

The kids had a lot of fun on our last outing before all the rain.

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<a href=>Check out more 4-H activities in Kid Tracks - the retro edition</a>

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