Monday, October 15, 2007

Parachute never gets old

It doesn't matter how old the kids are, there's something about playing with a parachute that makes everyone laugh.

At the girls' 4-H meeting yesterday there were a lot of newbies and the age range was a little tricky to plan for, which was from 5 to 15 years old.

An icebreaker activity seemed important to get the kids acquainted and comfortable with one another before the business portion of the meeting - which was the first of the new 4-H year - so we broke out the parachute.

Everyone - including the teens - enjoyed the games.

If you're interested in buying a parachute, the prices aren't too bad. We've had ours since the girls were preschoolers and it's been well-used and has stood up well over time. And I really like the fact that the girls still remember playing games with it when they were younger.

It's one of those timeless toys that I'm glad I still have around the house.

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