Friday, August 10, 2007

New kitty addition to the family

Some orphaned kittens needing a home came through the animal hospital this week and Fino and the girls decided they HAD to rescue one.

Meet our new addition to the family -- Dulce!

She has a little caramel-colored spot on her forehead so "dulce de leche" suited her and that is her 'official' name. But everyone's calling her 'Dulce' for short.

Of course, the girls took a ton of photos of her yesterday - 65 pics that I downloaded this morning to be exact.

I won't bore you with them all; these are the highlights.

One of several deer-in-the-headlights shots.

Dulce playing with a variety of stuff and some non-approved kitty toys, including L.'s new Webkinz charm bracelet.

She learned to navigate the stairs pretty quick. She's tiny but she doesn't have a problem jumping around on them.

G. fell asleep because Dulce kept her up most of the previous night crying about being in her sleeping box (Dulce needs to learn to use the kitty potty box before she's allowed to roam at night).

Toddy isn't so keen on having Dulce around just yet but we're sure he'll get used to her. Since Toddy can't see that she's about 1/4 of his size, he can't quite figure out if she's a threat or not right now.

But I think Toddy is going to like having Dulce around in the long run because  now that there's a female cat in the house for the girls to dress up, the heat will be off him to do it all.

Dulce kitty action

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