Friday, April 13, 2007

Hunting fossils, racing lobsters and spruce gum

This year L. had her chance to page at the State House with other 4-Hers like her sister did last year. The UMaine Cooperative Extension had some fun displays and give-aways at the State House that day and L. and a few other 4-Hers did some lobster racing.

Then L. and Fino tried the spruce gum and both had a serious gag reaction.

While I decided to stay with L., G. and Fino headed over to the Maine State Museum for the morning. She took a ton of photos of the gemstones on display and when I was downloading the photos from the camera I began to wonder if she saw anything else there.

In reality she took 24 photos of the gems, "not THAT many mom!"

A trip to the State House

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